Resume Package


Resume Package


What will this service get me?
A one-page masterpiece that will include refined grammar, advanced wordplay, and a template that will get you moved to the YES pile.

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How does this process work?
After payment, you will be emailed a form to start the process. Our team will deliver your new resume in less than 7 business days.

Can I edit my new content?
Yes! All files will be emailed over which you can edit for future use.

Customer Service Policy:
- Respond and complete the Questionnaire Form

This form will be sent via email after purchase. Please complete the form within seven days to avoid termination of services with no refund.

- Failure to communicate (text, email, or return phone calls) within five business days will result in termination of services with no refund. Our team will assume that you no longer need any assistance.

- Our team will complete package deals one service at a time. The services will be completed in chronological order. We will need your approval and confirmation after each service before proceeding to the next. Example: If you buy the All-Star Package, we will do your resume first, and once you approve and confirm, we will then start the cover letter.

- No refund policy